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June 2, 2023

Which is Better Granite or Laminate Worktops?

Granite and laminate worktops are two popular choices when it comes to kitchen and bathroom surfaces. Both have their own unique characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. In order to determine which is better, it is important to consider factors such as durability, aesthetic appeal, maintenance requirements, price, heat and scratch resistance, environmental considerations, installation process, longevity, stain resistance, and design options.

Granite Worktops

Granite worktops have long been synonymous with luxury and elegance. The natural beauty of granite, with its intricate patterns and unique veining, adds a touch of sophistication to any space. Here are some key features that make granite worktops a desirable option:

  • Durability: Granite is an incredibly durable material that can withstand heavy use and is resistant to scratches and chips. It is formed from volcanic activity, making it one of the toughest natural stones available.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The beauty of granite is unparalleled. Each slab of granite is unique, with its own variations in colour and pattern. From classic whites and blacks to vibrant blues and greens, granite offers a wide range of options to suit different design preferences.
  • Heat Resistance: Granite is highly resistant to heat, making it an ideal choice for kitchen worktops. You can place hot pots and pans directly on the surface without worrying about any damage.
  • Longevity: Granite worktops are known for their longevity. With proper care and maintenance, they can last for decades, adding value to your home.
  • Stain Resistance: While granite is generally resistant to stains, some lighter-coloured granites may require sealing to prevent staining. Regular sealing can ensure that your granite worktops remain stain-free.

Laminate Worktops

Laminate worktops have gained popularity in recent years due to their versatility, affordability, and wide range of design options. Here’s why laminate worktops are worth considering:

  • Affordability: If budget is a concern, laminate worktops offer an economical solution. They are significantly more affordable than granite and other natural stone options.
  • Design Variety: Laminate worktops come in an extensive range of colours, patterns, and textures. Whether you prefer a sleek and modern look or a warm and rustic aesthetic, there is a laminate design to suit your taste.
  • Easy Maintenance: Laminate worktops are easy to clean and maintain. They are resistant to stains and require minimal effort to keep them looking their best.
  • Installation Flexibility: Laminate worktops are lightweight and easy to install, making them a popular choice for DIY enthusiasts. They can be easily cut to fit any space, allowing for customisation and flexibility.
  • Resistance to Moisture: Laminate worktops are highly resistant to moisture, making them suitable for use in kitchens and bathrooms. They are less prone to water damage compared to natural stone worktops.

Comparing Durability

Durability is an essential factor to consider when choosing a worktop material. Let’s compare the durability of granite and laminate worktops:

  • Granite: As mentioned earlier, granite is an extremely durable material. It is heat-resistant, scratch-resistant, and can withstand heavy impact. With proper care, granite worktops can last a lifetime.


  • Laminate: Laminate worktops are durable, but they are not as robust as granite. While they are resistant to scratches and stains, they are more prone to damage from heat and impact. Laminate worktops can last for many years with proper care, but they may require replacement sooner than granite worktops.

When it comes to durability, granite has the upper hand. If you are looking for a worktop material that can withstand heavy use and last for a long time, granite is the better choice.

Aesthetic Appeal

The aesthetic appeal of your worktop can greatly impact the overall look and feel of your kitchen or bathroom. Let’s explore the aesthetic qualities of granite and laminate worktops:

  • Granite: Granite is known for its natural beauty and elegance. Each slab of granite is unique, featuring intricate patterns and stunning veining. The wide range of colours and textures available in granite allows you to create a truly one-of-a-kind look for your space.


  • Laminate: Laminate worktops have come a long way in terms of design. With advancements in printing technology, laminate can mimic the look of natural stone, including granite. Laminate offers a vast selection of colours, patterns, and textures, allowing you to achieve the desired aesthetic at a fraction of the cost of natural stone.

While laminate can replicate the appearance of granite, the authenticity and natural beauty of granite cannot be fully replicated. If you value the timeless and luxurious look of natural stone, granite worktops are the better option.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Maintenance requirements should be taken into consideration when selecting a worktop material. Let’s examine the maintenance and cleaning aspects of granite and laminate worktops:

  • Granite: Granite worktops are relatively low-maintenance. Regular cleaning with mild soap and water is usually sufficient to keep them looking their best. It is recommended to reseal granite every one to two years to maintain its stain resistance.


  • Laminate: Laminate worktops are easy to clean and require minimal maintenance. They can be wiped clean with a mild detergent or a non-abrasive cleaner. However, laminate is more susceptible to scratches and can be damaged by abrasive cleaning agents, so caution should be exercised during cleaning.

In terms of maintenance and cleaning, laminate worktops are generally easier to maintain. However, granite worktops, with their natural resistance to stains, are a good option if you prefer a worktop that requires less frequent sealing and maintenance.

The Price Factor

Price is a significant consideration for many homeowners. Let’s compare the costs associated with granite and laminate worktops:

  • Granite: Granite worktops are considered a high-end option and come with a higher price tag. The cost of granite can vary depending on factors such as colour, quality, thickness, and origin. On average, granite worktops can range between £100 per square metre to £292 per square metre.


  • Laminate: Laminate worktops are a more budget-friendly option. They are significantly cheaper than granite and other natural stone materials. The cost of laminate worktops can vary based on the design, thickness, and brand. On average, laminate worktops can range from £20 to £60 per square metre.

If cost is a primary concern, laminate worktops offer a more affordable solution. However, it’s important to note that granite worktops, with their durability and timeless appeal, can add significant value to your home.

Heat and Scratch Resistance

Heat and scratch resistance are important factors to consider, especially for kitchen worktops.

  • Granite: Granite is highly heat resistant. It can withstand high temperatures without being damaged. You can place hot pots and pans directly on a granite worktop without worrying about any issues. However, while granite is resistant to scratches, it is not entirely scratch proof. Sharp objects and heavy impact can potentially scratch the surface.


  • Laminate: Laminate worktops are heat-resistant to a certain extent, but they are not as heat-resistant as granite. Hot pots and pans should not be placed directly on laminate surfaces as they can cause damage. Laminate worktops are also more prone to scratches compared to granite. While laminate is designed to be scratch-resistant, it can still be scratched by sharp objects or excessive force.

When it comes to heat and scratch resistance, granite worktops are the superior choice. If you frequently work with hot items or sharp utensils in your kitchen, granite is a safer option that will withstand the rigours of daily use.

Environmental Considerations

Environmental impact is a growing concern for many homeowners. Let’s explore the environmental considerations associated with granite and laminate worktops:

  • Granite: Granite is a natural stone, and its extraction requires mining and quarrying processes. While granite is a non-renewable resource, its durability and longevity contribute to its sustainability. Additionally, many granite suppliers have implemented eco-friendly practices in their mining operations.


  • Laminate: Laminate worktops are made from a combination of layers, including a core of high-density fibreboard (HDF) or particleboard, topped with a printed decorative layer and a protective overlay. The production of laminate worktops requires less energy compared to natural stone materials. Laminate worktops are also recyclable, which reduces their impact on the environment.

Both granite and laminate worktops have their environmental considerations. If sustainability is a top priority for you, exploring options for recycled granite or sustainable laminate can help mitigate the environmental impact.

Installation Process

The installation process can vary depending on the worktop material.

  • Granite: Installing granite worktops requires professional expertise and specialised tools. The process involves precise measurements, cutting, polishing, and sealing. Due to its weight, granite requires proper support and may require additional reinforcement of the cabinets or substrate.


  • Laminate: Laminate worktops are relatively easier to install compared to granite. They can be cut on-site using standard tools and do not require specialised equipment. Laminate worktops are typically installed using adhesive or screws, depending on the chosen installation method.

If you have experience with DIY projects and are looking for a more straightforward installation process, laminate worktops are a suitable choice. However, for a flawless and professionally installed worktop, granite may require the expertise of a professional installer.

Longevity and Lifespan

Considering the lifespan of a worktop material is important to ensure that it will serve you well for years to come. Let’s compare the longevity and lifespan of granite and laminate worktops:

  • Granite: Granite worktops are known for their longevity. With proper care and maintenance, granite can last for several decades. The durability and resistance to scratches and heat contribute to its long lifespan.


  • Laminate: Laminate worktops have a relatively shorter lifespan compared to granite. While they can last for many years with proper care, laminate worktops may require replacement sooner due to wear and tear. Laminate surfaces can be susceptible to chipping, peeling, and scratching over time.

If you are looking for a worktop material that will stand the test of time, granite is the superior choice in terms of longevity and lifespan.

Stain Resistance

Stain resistance is an important factor to consider, especially for kitchen worktops that are exposed to food and beverages.

  • Granite: Granite is naturally resistant to stains. The density of granite prevents liquids from seeping into the surface, making it easier to clean and maintain. However, lighter-coloured granites may require periodic sealing to maintain their stain resistance.


  • Laminate: Laminate worktops are generally stain-resistant. The protective overlay on the surface prevents liquids from penetrating the material. However, certain substances such as strong dyes or chemicals can potentially stain laminate surfaces if not cleaned promptly.

In terms of stain resistance, both granite and laminate worktops offer good performance. Granite’s natural resistance to stains gives it a slight advantage in this aspect.

Design Options

The design options available for worktops can greatly impact the overall aesthetic of your space.

  • Granite: Granite offers a wide range of design options. Each slab of granite is unique, featuring its own colour variations, patterns, and veining. Whether you prefer a classic, contemporary, or bold look, there is a granite design to suit your style.


  • Laminate: Laminate worktops have made significant advancements in terms of design. They come in a plethora of colours, patterns, and textures, including options that mimic the look of natural stone like granite. Laminate allows for more flexibility in design choices, making it easier to find a worktop that complements your overall aesthetic.

Both granite and laminate worktops provide ample design options. If you prefer the natural beauty and uniqueness of granite, it can add a touch of luxury to your space. However, if you’re seeking a wider variety of colours and patterns at a more affordable price, laminate worktops offer a greater range of design choices.

Which is better for the kitchen?

When it comes to choosing between granite and laminate worktops for the kitchen, several factors should be considered:

  • Durability: Granite is highly durable and can withstand the rigours of a busy kitchen. It is resistant to heat, scratches, and stains. Laminate worktops are also durable, but they are more prone to scratches and heat damage.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Granite offers a timeless and luxurious look, adding value to your kitchen. Laminate worktops come in a wide range of colours and patterns, allowing for more design flexibility.
  • Maintenance: Granite worktops require periodic sealing and minimal maintenance. Laminate worktops are easy to clean but may require more frequent replacement due to wear and tear.
  • Price: Granite worktops are more expensive compared to laminate worktops.

Considering these factors, if you prioritise durability, aesthetics, and long-term value, granite worktops are the better choice for your kitchen. However, if affordability and a wider range of design options are your main concerns, laminate worktops can be a suitable alternative.

Which is better for the bathroom?

Choosing the right worktop material for your bathroom requires careful consideration. Let’s explore the suitability of granite and laminate worktops for the bathroom:

  • Durability: Both granite and laminate worktops can withstand the moisture and humidity present in a bathroom. Granite’s resistance to heat and scratches can make it a durable choice for bathroom surfaces. Laminate worktops, while durable, may require more maintenance to prevent water damage.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Granite offers a luxurious and sophisticated look, adding a touch of elegance to your bathroom. Laminate worktops provide a wide range of design options, allowing you to achieve various styles and aesthetics.
  • Maintenance: Granite worktops are relatively low-maintenance and can withstand the demands of a bathroom environment. Laminate worktops require regular cleaning and may need more care to prevent moisture-related issues.
  • Price: Granite worktops are more expensive than laminate worktops.

Considering these factors, both granite and laminate worktops can be suitable for bathroom use. If you desire a high-end and luxurious look with minimal maintenance, granite worktops are an excellent choice. However, if budget-friendliness and design versatility are your priorities, laminate worktops can offer a practical solution for your bathroom.

The Pros and Cons of Granite Worktops

Pros of Granite Worktops:

  • Luxurious and timeless aesthetic appeal
  • Exceptional durability and resistance to heat and scratches
  • Wide range of colours and patterns available
  • Long lifespan with proper care and maintenance

Cons of Granite Worktops:

  • Higher cost compared to other worktop materials
  • Requires periodic sealing to maintain stain resistance
  • Heavy and requires professional installation
  • May be prone to chipping or cracking under extreme force


The Pros and Cons of Laminate Worktops

Pros of Laminate Worktops:

  • Affordable and budget-friendly option
  • Vast selection of colours, patterns, and textures
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Lightweight and DIY-friendly installation

Cons of Laminate Worktops:

  • Not as heat-resistant as natural stone materials
  • More susceptible to scratches and wear over time
  • Can be damaged by abrasive cleaners or excessive force
  • May require more frequent replacement compared to other materials

Choosing between granite and laminate worktops ultimately depends on your preferences, budget, and specific requirements. Granite worktops offer timeless elegance, exceptional durability, and natural beauty, making them a luxurious choice. Laminate worktops provide affordability, versatility in design, and easier installation.

Consider factors such as durability, aesthetic appeal, maintenance requirements, price, heat and scratch resistance, environmental considerations, installation process, longevity, stain resistance, and design options when making your decision. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select the worktop material that best suits your needs and creates the perfect ambiance in your kitchen or bathroom.